Body Contouring Treatments at Victoria Park Medispa


Victoria Park Medispa offers you transformative non-surgical & surgical solutions for body shaping, skin tightening, and fat and cellulite reduction for a sleek, tight body all year round. Discover the body contouring treatments we offer.

Working hard at the gym but not seeing results?

Get the Solution that Fits Your Needs

You’ve been hitting it hard at the gym but that love handle or bulge on your belly still won’t melt away? We get it. With our selection of body contouring treatments, we make sure that you get the solution that best fits your needs, not just the one solution we happen to have. We also make sure the solution is delivered by some of the most experienced hands in the industry. So find out which of our body contouring treatments below is right for you!

liposuction used to reduce the fat around hips

Fat Reduction

For fat reduction, we had the first Ultrashape unit in Montreal before we upgraded to CoolSculpting for better results. We were then the first centre in Quebec to offer Dualsculpting, to offer CoolSculpting for the neck area, and to offer CoolSculpting technology for results in under 35 minutes. Moreover, our talented team of plastic surgeons have treated over 8,000 patients with liposuction.

Skin Tightening

For skin tightening and treating skin laxity, we offer Exilis Ultra. We upgraded to Exilis after extensive experience with Accent and having tested other solutions including Venus Freeze.

Muscle Toning and Fat Loss

We are pleased to offer Emsculpt Neo, the first procedure to help men and women build muscle and burn fat and is the world’s first non-invasive buttock lifting procedure.

Which body contouring treatment is right for you?

What is the treatment?

Developed by Harvard scientists, CoolSculpting is a non-surgical body contouring treatment that uses a patented and targeted cooling technology to kill fat cells underneath the skin. Following the treatment, these fat cells get eliminated from your body.

EMSCULPT NEO is a non-surgical body contouring treatment that contracts the muscle fibres in the treated area at intensities not achievable during a voluntary workout. It then uses radio-frequency (RF) to increase the temperature, causing fat cells to be permanently eliminated. As a bonus, the RF technology provides skin tightening benefits!

Liposuction is a medical procedure conducted by one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. It focuses on reshaping the body by permanently removing persistent and stubborn fat cells by suctioning them out of the body through tiny incisions.

Which areas can I treat?

There are 7 areas where CoolSculpting can be performed: chin, stomach, bra bulge, flanks, thighs, above the knee, and arms.

EMSCULPT NEO & Edge can treat the following 5 areas: abs, buttocks, flanks, arms and calves.

Liposuction can be performed almost anywhere on the body where excess fatty tissue exists beneath the skin. For women, the most common areas: abdomen, flanks (also known as “love handles”), and thighs. For men, they are: the neck, chest (gynecomastia), abdomen and flanks.

How quickly can I see results?

CoolSculpting results generally start showing a few weeks after your initial session, and progressively develop over a period of 2 months.

Although some clients see results immediately after an EMSCULPT NEO treatment, we suggest giving it at least 2 weeks to truly witness the transformation. The results will continue improving over a period of 3 months.

While the results for certain treatment areas are more apparent early on, the final results from liposuction are seen after 6 months and well worth the wait.

How many treatments do I need?

Most clients require at least 2 treatments (4 cycles) to see the full effects from CoolSculpting. Some return for additional treatments where greater fat loss is required.

For optimal results, we recommend 4 corrective EMSCULPT NEO treatments, about 5-10 days apart followed by 1 treatment every 3-6 months to optimize your results.

Most patients only require one liposuction treatment to achieve ideal results. It is also quite common to sculpt multiple areas during a single procedure.

Does it hurt?

You will experience an intense chill in the treated area for a brief period as the CoolSculpting procedure unfolds, soon giving way to a sensation of numbness. Rest assured, this mild tingling fades gently over the next few days without any disruptions to your daily routine.

EMSCULPT NEO makes your muscles contract powerfully. It may feel intense at first, but most clients quickly adapt and become comfortable with the sensation within minutes. Thankfully, EMSCULPT NEO’s brilliant technology clears the lactic acid to ensure you hardly feel any soreness after the treatment – unlike those post-gym aches.

With the help of local anesthetic, patients remain comfortable throughout the liposuction procedure. During the first few days of recovery, you can expect to experience moderate pain and soreness.

Is it safe?

CoolSculpting was designed with built-in safety measures. Rest assured that if sensors detect that the skin is getting too cold, the system shuts down automatically.

EMSCULPT NEO is both FDA and Health Canada-approved. With its minimal recovery time and fast, dramatic results, EMSCULPT NEO has received a great deal of attention as the world’s first non-invasive buttock-toning procedure.

Just like any other surgical procedure, liposuction comes with risks that patients are made aware of during the initial consultation. Liposuction is however fairly routine for our talented and board-certified plastic surgeons, so our patients can rest assured they are in the hands of an expert.

How much does it cost?

A consultation with one of our highly trained technicians for CoolSculpting is free. They will be able to provide you with a detailed treatment plan, including pricing for your unique situation.

For the best value, supercharge your workouts and healthy lifestyle all year round with our Forever Fit VIP program. Get 4 corrective EMSCULPT NEO treatments to kickstart your transformation for $675 each, that’s 25% off! If you’re thrilled, and we know you will be, we have special pricing for optimization treatments. 

A consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons for Liposuction ranges from $125 to $250. During the consultation, they will be able to provide you with a detailed plan for the procedure as well as the price for your unique situation.

Why Victoria Park Medispa?

Victoria Park Medispa has been a pioneer in body contouring for over 15 years. We are constantly testing the latest technology for our clients and adopting what we believe are the best possible solutions for fat reduction and skin tightening.

Victoria Park Medispa is now the biggest medispa in the greater Montreal area and the rest of Canada. For body contouring treatments, Victoria Park Medispa has locations in Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba. Certain clinics offer free parking. To view all our locations, click here.


We’ll discuss your goals and create a treatment plan together.


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Call us at 514.488.8668. Our Appointment Concierge team is available Monday to Saturday from 9am to 5pm.